Sunday Evening Services for Advent


Peace - Hope - Joy - Love

Advent is the season we wait and prepare for the coming of Christ.  It is also the beginning of the Christian year.

So, in the year we anticipate the union of Portland, St Meddan’s and Troon Old Parish Churches, what better way to start off than sharing the season of Advent as Troon Church of Scotland?

These four Sunday evening services are an opportunity for us to share the major themes of Advent: Peace, Hope, Joy, and Love.

3rd December:  We start with a service of Peace, as we consider areas of our world and our lives where peace is absent.

10th December:  The Blue Christmas service will explore the theme of Hope and is a gentle, contemplative service for those who are carrying pain or loss during this season of celebration.  We will share in hymns and readings, and shall light candles in memory of those of our community who have passed in the last year, in addition to recognising those losses close to us which we feel most keenly at this time of year.

17th December:  Our third service will see us sharing in Holy Communion and exploring the theme of the Joy of meeting Jesus amongst us.

24th December:  The fourth service, on Christmas Eve, is a celebration of the Love of God as seen in Jesus as we prepare to celebrate his birth.  This Candlelight Service is a long established and much-loved community event, held in Troon Old Parish Church.

Services on 3rd, 10th and 17th December will be held in Portland Parish Church, starting at 6:30pm.  Each service will be followed by the opportunity to share in fellowship with each other in the church hall for tea and coffee.

The Christmas Eve Candlelight Service in Troon Old Parish Church starts at 6:30pm.  Doors open at 6pm and we recommend you come early to ensure you get a seat.  Tea/coffee and mince pies will be served in the church hall after the service.

(Stay tuned for details of the Watchnight Service in St Meddan’s and Christmas Day service in Portland, coming soon!)