Pop-Up Nativity


Scene from Pop-up Nativity 2022 at Troon Old

The second Sunday of Advent also happens to be the second Sunday of December, and the monthly shared Troon Church of Scotland morning service will take the form of a Pop-Up Nativity.

For the first time ever, the combined Sunday Schools of Portland, St Meddan’s and Troon Old Parish Churches will participate in a joint venture: leading the joint congregation in retelling the story of Jesus’ birth.

“Leading” is a very carefully-chosen word, because this will be an all-age nativity in which all members of the congregation are invited to participate. Adults can even choose to dress up as a shepherd or angel if they want…!

With congregational singing, input from the Troon Church of Scotland Choir, prayers, readings and maybe a special song from the children, it will be a chaotic, joyful occasion.

Sunday 10th December, 10:30am at Portland Parish Church.