Community and World Concerns Autumn Charity Lunch


Ekuphumleni outstation under construction

The Community and World Concerns committee at St Meddan’s Parish Church Autumn Charity Lunch will be in aid of the Ncevu Memorial Congregation in Komani (previously known as Queenstown), South Africa.

St Meddan’s have had links with Ncevu Memorial Congregation since the late Rev Amos Mpongoshe was in Troon on exchange as a probationer under Rev David Harper’s tutelage, 35 years ago. St Meddan’s Congregational Project previously supported Ncevu Memorial in 1995 and again in 1999/2000. More recently, updates are sent and received through link person Catherine Howlett, so that the congregations can support each other through informed prayer.

At the moment, Ncevu Memorial are building an outstation at Ekuphumleni (see photo above). After reading about some of their current problems in their latest letter, the CWC committee felt they would like to use the money raised at the Autumn lunch to support them.

The lunch will be held after the services on Sunday 22nd October 2023 in St Meddan’s Pentland Hall. Tickets priced £7, £3.50 for children, will be available in Portland, St Meddan’s and Troon Old parish churches from the beginning of October. Tickets will also be available at coffee after the Troon Church of Scotland service in St Meddan’s on 8th October.

We look forward to this time of fellowship for our growing Troon Church of Scotland church family, and to hearing more news from our friends in South Africa.