The wonderful Troon Harbour Blessing service is back after 5 years! You are warmly invited to come along to this special service starting at 2pm on Sunday 2nd June. It’s held on the harbourside by the Fishermen’s Mission. Watch the Troon Lifeboat arrive, and enjoy the fun, fellowship and tasty snacks after the service. Many…
Christian Aid Week this year runs from Sunday 12th May until Saturday 18th May. As in the past few years there will be no house to house collection. However, donation envelopes will be handed out to the congregation before morning worship on Sunday 12th May, and additional envelopes will be available from all Churches for…
This Friday, Messy Church will explore what Pentecost is, what the Holy Fire is all about, and what was important about the Holy Wind. Come join us to hear about the Holy Spirit in action, enjoy some singing, stories, crafts and some delicious food! Perfect for children aged pre-school to P7 – kids please bring…