view of Troon looking over Italian Gardens from Titchfield Road car park

About Us

view of Troon from Dundonald Hill


Troon Church of Scotland is the new Church of Scotland congregation serving the Ayrshire town of Troon.

It was created by the union of Portland, St Meddan’s and Troon Old parish churches.

We meet to worship God, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.  And, as the parish church, we have a special concern to serve the community of Troon.

Sunday church services are presently held in three church sanctuaries in the centre of Troon (see map). Times and location of upcoming services can be found in our Worship Schedule. Services in the three main sanctuaries are usually live-streamed on our YouTube channel.

Have questions about Troon Church of Scotland?

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions.

Why are Portland, St Meddan’s and Troon Old Parish Churches uniting?


The Church of Scotland is facing falling minister numbers, a decline in membership and a drop in income both nationally and locally. In 2021 the Presbytery of Ayr (now the Presbytery of South West Scotland) was required to produce a five-year mission plan to ensure congregations are properly equipped to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and to serve their communities for the coming decades. The plan was completed by the end of 2022 and specifies a reduced number of ministers and, sadly, that a number of church buildings will have to close.

After much consultation, the mission plan for Troon is that the three formerly independent congregations unite into one new Troon Church, to be served by a team of two ministers; the work in north east Troon is to continue as a “Local Mission Church”; and the sanctuary of Troon Old will close, although Troon Old halls are intended to remain open.

How and when will Troon Church of Scotland be established?


Troon Church of Scotland will be come into being when Portland, St Meddan’s and Troon Old Parish Churches officially unite.

The working date for union is 1st July 2024. Teams from all three congregations worked with Presbytery to prepare the necessary legal documentation, called a “Basis of Union”. This has already been approved by the Kirk Sessions and congregations, and awaits final approval by Presbytery.

In addition to the Basis of Union, there are many practical matters to decide, both before and after union. One of the most important is to start the search for two new ministers (after union).

However, there is nothing to stop the three congregations working together immediately, and an increasing number of joint activities – such as shared worship – are informally identified as Troon Church of Scotland activities.

When will new ministers be appointed?


The Presbytery mission plan specifies that Troon Church of Scotland will be served by a team of two full-time ministers.

Since all three existing congregations are currently vacant, it means that two new ministers will need to be called. This blank canvas is both exciting and daunting: it allows the new Kirk Session to consider innovative models of ministry, but also brings the new challenge of discerning how the two ministerial charges will be organised and relate to each other.

The search for new ministers will be led by a Nominating Committee, which will be appointed by the new congregation after Portland, St Meddan’s and Troon Old Parish Churches officially unite. It could then be several months before suitable candidates are identified and nominees are selected.